Takahost Web Solution, 259 Dr. Meghnad Saha Road, Chatakol, Dumdum, Kolkata - 700074, West Bengal

Courier & Logistics Management CMS with Merchant, Delivery App
Original price was: ₹19,999.00.₹9,999.00Current price is: ₹9,999.00.
Main Features
- Parcel delivery
- E-commerce delivery
- F-Commerce delivery
- Pharmacy delivery
- Grocery delivery
- Food delivery
- Courier delivery
- Transport Providers
- Web Admin Panel
- Merchant App
- Web Merchant panel
- Delivery Boy App
- Web Branch Panel
- iOS App
Hurry Up! Limited Time Offer
Main Features
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
- Password Hashing
- Avoiding SQL Injection
- Regular login and registration system with mobile verification.
- Facebook login and registration system.
- Google login and registration system.
Online Payment Gateways
- Paypal
- Stripe
- Skrill
- SSLCommerz
- Aamarpay
- bKash
- Razorpay
SMS Gateways
- Twilio SMS
- Nexmo SMS
Multiple Language Translation System
- English
- Hindi
- Arabic
- Bengali
- Spanish
- French
- Chinese
Frontend Features
- Home Sections- (Banner, Service, Achievement, Blogs, Partner, Pricing, Whay Courier)
- Parcel Tracking
- Privacy Policy
- Terms Conditions
- About us
- FAQ dynamically manage
- Contact with google maps location
- Blogs
- Blog Details
Admin Panel Features
- Total summery in dashboard
- All notifications
- Delivery man Manage
- Branch Manage (Payments, List, In-Charge, View)
- Merchant management (Payments, List, View) with email alert
- Merchant view (Delivery charge, Pickup Points, Payment accounts, Invoice)
- Todo list
- Wallet system – Merchant wise wallet activation – Ticket (Support)
- Parcel management
- Parcel view
- Parcel Priority
- Parcel priority google maps show
- Parcel tracking system
- Parcel print
- Parcel print label with barcode
- Parcel clone system
- Import parcels
- Offers manage
- Activity logs list and view
- Reception management
- Subscriber list
- Pickup Requests management (Regular and Express)
- Assets manage
- Payment received list
- Online payout system
- Accounts manage
- Fund transfer system
- Income management
- Expense management
- All bank transactions list
- Paid Invoice list (With Pending, Processing)
- Roles manage
- Designations
- Departments
- Users manage with permissions
- Payroll system (Salary generate, Salary management)
- Reports section (Parcel status reports, Parcel wise profit, Salary reports, Merchant/Branch/Deliveryman reports, Total summery reports)
- Push notification manage
- Delivery category settings
- Delivery charges settings
- Delivery type settings
- Liquid/Fragile settings
- SMS settings
- SMS Send settings
- Notification settings
- Social Login settings
- Online payment settings (Paypal, Stripe, Skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay, bKash, Razorpay and etc)
- Packaging setup
- General settings
- Google maps settings
- Assets category setup
- Database backup system
- Invoice generate (Merchant payment period wise)
- Addons system
- Dynamic color change from General settings
- Frontend Web setup (Front Web) – Social Link, Service, Why Courier, FAQ, Partner, Blogs, Pages, Sections
Merchant Panel Features
- Payment Information manage (Create, update, delete)
- Offers list
- My wallet system
- Profile update
- Merchant total summery in dashboard with charts
- Ticket (Support) with reply able
- Payment received list
- Online payout system (Paypal, Stripe, skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay,bKash, Razorpay)
- Invoice List (Pending, Processing, Unpaid)
- Parcel management
- Import parcels (Excel file)
- Parcels clone
- View parcel details
- Parcel tracking system
- Manage parcels bank
- Reports (Parcel status reports, Total summery reports, Account transaction reports, Statements reports)
- COD charges list
- Delivery charges list
- Online payment setup (Paypal, Stripe, skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay, bKash)
- Pickup points manage
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